Ingredients, basics and customized techniques
Master: Stefano Ferrara
Course information
9.00 - 12.30 13.30 - 16.30
Course type:
€ + IVA
1 day
Milan (Italy)
Course description
Customised ingredients, bases and techniques
Create tailor-made products to make the offer in the gelato parlour contemporary. Simplify production management and support the entrepreneur with products that can open up new business opportunities. Topics: Technology of ingredients/Technical bases/Differentiating the offer with alternative products/Entrepreneurial experience of Stefano Ferrara and new business opportunities/New concepts and opportunities to satisfy new market needs/Gelato maker entrepreneur and creativity.Master
Stefano Ferrara
Master gelato maker with more than 20 years of experience and owner of Stefano Ferrara Gelato Lab in Rome. A taste ambassador and collaborator with university researchers, he brings innovation to the artisanal ice cream industry.

Course description:

Teaching materials

Athenaeum Welcome Kit (Shopper, notebook, apron, sac à poche)

Certificate of Participation