How to open a successful gelato shop
Master: Mattia Mainardi
Course information
9.00 - 12.30 13.30 - 16.30
Course type:
€ + IVA
2 days
Milan (Italy)
Course description
How to open a successful gelato shop
FIRST DAY OF COURSE with Giacomo Tonelli Topics: The numbers that count in an ice-cream parlour/The profit and loss account: how to read it and improve results/Food cost: analysis and optimisation/Margin calculation/How to draw up an effective price list SECOND DAY OF THE COURSE with Mattia Mainardi Topics: The ice cream market/Customer approach and market trends/Typologies of premises/The workshop/The production/Production/Ice cream display/Equipment/Business opportunities and diversification of the offer/Comprital, partnership and consultancy for the ice cream parlourMaster
Mattia Mainardi
His experience and passion for the world of ice cream lead Mattia Mainardi to delve into the sensory world of ingredients, guiding him in an innovative approach to proposing new flavors and combinations. He grows within Comprital as an international demonstrator and today holds the position of Athenaeum manager and product application manager.

Course description:

Free product package worth the value of the course

Teaching materials

Athenaeum Welcome Kit (Shopper, notebook, apron, sac à poche)

Certificate of Participation