Comprital has equipped itself with a computerized whistleblowing management system, which allows potential violations to be reported to the company either completely anonymously or confidentially (at the whistleblower’s discretion), providing protection against any form of retaliation or discrimination.
Everyone has the opportunity to contact Comprital: employees, suppliers, consultants or, more generally, stakeholders in the Company.
Comprital encourages you to report, in good faith, any conduct – commissive or omissive – engaged in at Comprital or in dealings with it, that violates (or induces you to violate) applicable regulations, its values or procedures, or that may cause economic or reputational harm to Comprital itself.
Comprital ensures the analysis of all reports received and the collection of objective elements aimed at the adoption of measures to correct the violations that have emerged. The whistleblower will always be informed of the outcome of the investigation into what he or she has reported.
The results of the analysis are also reported to the company’s governance and control bodies, including, for competence, the Supervisory Board.